Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Running stereotypes with Billy Mills.

        Running Brave a movie of 1983, tells us the story of this American Indian named Billy Mills. This young man is a great runner who get a scholarship because of he skills but has to fight the stereotypes to survive, and conquered his final goal, to win the 10,000 meter long distance foot race in the Tokyo Olympics. This is a great example of dedication and optimism. 

      After watching the movie it's clear we see how hard is to fit in at a new place, with different ideas, culture, vision of how people should look like, or how should they dress. The difficulty of living without your family or people you could relate to. In the case of Billy Mills the big problem was the feeling inferior in front of all the others, but he demonstrate he was capable of being as great as an white boy. Even thought some people did not believed  in him he continued fighting for his dream. One quote of the movie that make me think a lot is when Billy said: " Do something for out people, give something back" that was the reason he was running. He stop thinking about himself and what he could get to make proud, and make his Indian family stand out, breaking the stereotypes. Nobody believed in him totally, and at the end his coach tell him: "I'm honored to work with you son, God Bless you Billy". After this words we can see how Billy by being a great racer, and dedicated, he not only won the Olympic race he also break the ideas White Americans had about Indians. 

         In this time we continue seeing different stereotypes, like for example gay stereotypes, fat people, sick people, old people, and many others. This stereotypes will continue being there unless we teach others about it like Billy who let everybody now that he being and Indian doesn't make any difference. Everyone is capable of conquer what they want if they really want it from his heart. Also this issues begins in the breeding of young children, if we as adults teach our young ones that being gay is wrong and disgraceful probably they will hate or treat gay people as disgraceful people. Billy Mills gives us a great message of overcoming situations to pursuit our dreams, and teach others a lesson.

1 comment:

  1. I too liked how Billy wanted to prove that his race wasn’t quitters. He wasn’t doing it for himself and that is what kept him motivated.
