Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Does the end justify the means?

The story “The use of Force” explains the situation of these parents whose daughter is sick, they think she might have difteria and young people died at that time because of this if they didn’t get the diagnosis on time. The parents called the doctor so he could help them cure their daughter. They spent three dollars on this, and the doctor tried his best to give a diagnosis to help the little girl. But what makes us question the doctor is the way the doctor uses the force to get what he wanted. He uses physical force to be able to see her throat, for example, and in a way he hurt the little girl because she wasn’t letting him do his job.

 In the story we might think he enjoyed hurting the little girl, because the doctor mentions he enjoyed what he did. In my opinion, he was doing his job,he needed to find a diagnosis and how he accomplished it wasn’t an issue for the doctor nor the family. Nowadays we are accustomed to a certain level of treatment so we might be more sensitive, that is the reason some people think he was wrong. We should consider the fact that our diagnoses now are not so urgent and life or death like what a diagnosis of difteria meant for them back then. For many reasons I think he did the right thing because if he didn’t care about the girl or respected his job he could have taken the three dollars and left the house letting the little girl die. As many doctors nowadays do with their patients because they don’t have respect for what they studied and they only have an interest in the money they could get by doing things without any effort. So we should think more about what he did with the use of force to help the girl than how he hurt the girl by using the force. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that you’re right about how nowadays there isn’t the need for the rush in the diagnostic. I used to think that what he did was right, just that he did it the wrong way. But I see your point and now I agree with you.
