Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Looking closely to details.

On looking is a great example I think of growing up from immature to a mature person. When we are immature we don’t have see the things that are really important, we just look on a big picture and don’t stop and look at the details of that picture we are looking at. This is a process in everybody, one big influence now in the actual time is in this idea of the on looking lecture is the technology, as we read in the lecture it says: “It is forgotten not because nothing of interest happens. It is forgotten because we failed to pay attention to the journey to begin with.” We failed to pay attention in the things we should be attentive since de beginning, never is too late but sometimes we regret of the time we wasted.

This semester I’m lacking on concentration; I’m trying to control everything that’s happening in my life, but it’s hard to start being an independent adult. Bills to pay, responsibility at work, family to take care of including pets, school to attend, exams to study, and many more responsibilities. When we have all this put together time gets so short, I just live day by day how I can. Sometimes I don’t see my family in days, but I have to do it because life it’s not easy. This things also traps me from seeing the little things that I should be seeing, right now I’m just looking at the things that are easy for me to see in my life and pay attention to, and I know I’m not paying attention to the little details I should. Also in the lecture we can se two points that helps us know we can be able to make it work they are the inherent in each of us, “we all have the capacity to really see what is in front of us. The capacity to attend is ours; we just forget how to turn it on. The second element is the tendency to look at every context from the point of view of one's profession.”

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Does the end justify the means?

The story “The use of Force” explains the situation of these parents whose daughter is sick, they think she might have difteria and young people died at that time because of this if they didn’t get the diagnosis on time. The parents called the doctor so he could help them cure their daughter. They spent three dollars on this, and the doctor tried his best to give a diagnosis to help the little girl. But what makes us question the doctor is the way the doctor uses the force to get what he wanted. He uses physical force to be able to see her throat, for example, and in a way he hurt the little girl because she wasn’t letting him do his job.

 In the story we might think he enjoyed hurting the little girl, because the doctor mentions he enjoyed what he did. In my opinion, he was doing his job,he needed to find a diagnosis and how he accomplished it wasn’t an issue for the doctor nor the family. Nowadays we are accustomed to a certain level of treatment so we might be more sensitive, that is the reason some people think he was wrong. We should consider the fact that our diagnoses now are not so urgent and life or death like what a diagnosis of difteria meant for them back then. For many reasons I think he did the right thing because if he didn’t care about the girl or respected his job he could have taken the three dollars and left the house letting the little girl die. As many doctors nowadays do with their patients because they don’t have respect for what they studied and they only have an interest in the money they could get by doing things without any effort. So we should think more about what he did with the use of force to help the girl than how he hurt the girl by using the force. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Introduction of myself

My name is Luis Alberto Aponte Velázquez, I’m 22 years old. I was born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, and raised in Toa Alta in an area called Bucarabones. I live with my grandmother, sister Kiarelys and two dogs called Ashley and Bella. Ashely is a Shitzu and Bella is a Rottweiler. Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to help people in any way, which motivates me to work hard towards my goal. When I started my high school, I studied hard to get accepted in the Biology Department at The University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. When I started studying my main purpose was to be an oncologist, but then I got a little frustrated and started seeking different opportunities for my level of knowledge and my preference, considering my happiness and health. I thought about changing my vision to be a dentist, but I also knew it wasn’t my thing either. When I started taking microbiology course, I got passionate about laboratory work and got interested in helping people without having any type of contact with the patient. This is when I got interested in being a medical technician and now it is my main purpose. I’m finishing my requirements to start looking for medical technician schools but my main school I’m applying is to is Recinto de Ciencias Médicas, another campus of the University of Puerto Rico. I’ve been working for a couple of months in a restaurant called Platos Restaurant in which I’m the cashier and also the host. I really like to work in this restaurant because of the co-workers and because it’s at Isla Verde, near the beach. If I don’t get accepted in Recinto de Ciencias Médicas, I might take the last classes I need to finish my bachelor’s degree in biology, and then apply to another school of medical technicians. Maybe one option will be to apply to a school in New York, I really like the city.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Running stereotypes with Billy Mills.

        Running Brave a movie of 1983, tells us the story of this American Indian named Billy Mills. This young man is a great runner who get a scholarship because of he skills but has to fight the stereotypes to survive, and conquered his final goal, to win the 10,000 meter long distance foot race in the Tokyo Olympics. This is a great example of dedication and optimism. 

      After watching the movie it's clear we see how hard is to fit in at a new place, with different ideas, culture, vision of how people should look like, or how should they dress. The difficulty of living without your family or people you could relate to. In the case of Billy Mills the big problem was the feeling inferior in front of all the others, but he demonstrate he was capable of being as great as an white boy. Even thought some people did not believed  in him he continued fighting for his dream. One quote of the movie that make me think a lot is when Billy said: " Do something for out people, give something back" that was the reason he was running. He stop thinking about himself and what he could get to make proud, and make his Indian family stand out, breaking the stereotypes. Nobody believed in him totally, and at the end his coach tell him: "I'm honored to work with you son, God Bless you Billy". After this words we can see how Billy by being a great racer, and dedicated, he not only won the Olympic race he also break the ideas White Americans had about Indians. 

         In this time we continue seeing different stereotypes, like for example gay stereotypes, fat people, sick people, old people, and many others. This stereotypes will continue being there unless we teach others about it like Billy who let everybody now that he being and Indian doesn't make any difference. Everyone is capable of conquer what they want if they really want it from his heart. Also this issues begins in the breeding of young children, if we as adults teach our young ones that being gay is wrong and disgraceful probably they will hate or treat gay people as disgraceful people. Billy Mills gives us a great message of overcoming situations to pursuit our dreams, and teach others a lesson.