Tuesday, March 24, 2015

“Journal Experience”

         The journal notebook has been a great experience to do every day I felt sad or bored. Not only because it was part of the class more than that it was a great way to express everything I had in my mind every single time I needed to get it out of my head. Also when I felt mad it was the greatest way to feel better. When I first started writing in the journal it was a little bit hard because I thought about specific things and didn’t let my hand go with the flow of what I was thinking. Then since I had to write so many times a day I start writing more fluently and without thinking any specific things. For example at first I wrote about only one topic in the journal, eventually I could mix so many topics in one journal. I wrote for ten minutes every time I wrote, in this ten minutes I could write two exact pages, but sometimes I could write one page and a half.

         I like to mention last semester I had a journal for my other English class called “Human Condition in Literature” but in that other class the journals had a topic and it was a little harder to write. Surely writing what I had in my mind without having any specific topic to write helped me to develop my ideas and how to write in a journal. One of the hardest parts in the activities of the journals for me was the grammar in some of the words. The words that have double s or double n, where really hard and still are being hard for me I don’t know how to write them correctly. Not only the practice of the writing part helped me increasing the fluency when I’m thinking in English, but also in my skills to talk with others in English. When I finish this class I’ll try practicing my English with a journal, because this is a great way to understand better the language, and sometime to autocorrect your mistakes.

        Another hard part for me when talking in English is to think in this language, I’m always thinking in Spanish; therefore I have to start developing a way to start thinking in English. When I develop what I just mention I know my English will be more fluently, and I noticed the use of the journal had helped me with this. That’s one reason I want to continue doing a journal. The other reason I have is because I feel so free to say everything I want in a piece of paper without no one telling me that what I’m writing is right or wrong. Sometimes what I do when I have a struggle in a word, I write the possible ways of writing that word in the same sentence, When I finish my writing I verify the word on the internet. This was a great experience to improve my skills in so many ways.


  1. I hadn’t considered how the journal is a good way of practicing thinking in English. I don’t do that so often and I should so that I may speak English more fluently.

    1. It's my second journal activity, in the first experiences I learned to do it.
